Places to visit in Rishikesh

Places to visit in Rishikesh

Last month something good happened with me I want to share it. I love Ranbir Kapoor character in yeh Javani hai Diwani and i always wanted to be like bunny. I want to travel the world but i always have many excuses that’s why I’m not like him. But last month one of my dear friends actually forced me to do an adventure in Rishikesh. Yes, he forced me because as like always i have many excuses like exams, money, parents approval blah blah.

As usual, this was a normal day I’m having my dinner and my friend called. He said hii listen I’m in Himachal Pradesh. You have to come to Rishikesh we will meet than we see places to visit in Rishikesh and do something crazy. My first reaction was Uttrakhand Rishikesh are you crazy. Stupid i never travel alone how can i come there. But somehow he made me travel alone this time without any approval of my parents without money. I mean i have just money for one side fair and for lunch and all this was my savings. My journey started from Kashmiri gate.

places to visit in rishikesh there were some private buses I was waiting for government bus because Rahul told me government bus fair cheaper than private buses. i asked someone about that bus he told me you can take this bus there is just 50 or 70 rupees difference in fairs. this was my first time &was very excited I took that private bus they charged my 325 rs.I took window seat bus started it was a fine bright morning.

I was enjoying the view of bright orange sun after 2 hours of traveling i slept. the sun was at its peak bright shiny sun lights were waking me up. it was getting hot our bus stopped at a dhaba & prepared sandwiches for my lunch i didn’t want to spend my money for some cheap food so i already had prepared my lunchwe reached Haridwar.

I’m a nature lover. I love trees very much you know there are peoples who love t watching moon. I’m a person who loves to watching trees. I was excepted a lot of greenery and a beautiful river in Haridwar ( Ganga) but what I found. Only a river running between crowded cities concrete ghats there was no sign of trees it was a normal town. But more crowded and dirty next stop was in Rishikesh. Rishikesh looked little green. Here i met my friend this was our meeting point after meeting from here my adventure part started. First we went for looking some hotels for night stay we were expecting a view ofthe river from our hotel room so we went in hotels which area nearby river but the rent is that much high we never expected so we took an auto .

The Autowala promise us to help to find a cheap hotel but we couldn’t find it so we told him to drop us nearby river we will figure out something with our own so we are here the Triveni ghat one of places to visit in Rishikesh oh my god the view is mesmerizing. pandits were doing evening artist people were singing the aarti song there were big lamps (Diya) in pandits hand the atmosphere was like whatever you wish for that will be approved by God for sure, after aarti we took off our clothes and jump in to the river oh the water was dam cool there is saying if you bath in Ganga your sins will be removed i am not sure about it but what i am sure is that its like you were born again after bathing in Ganga.

when we were tired of this bathing exercise now we sat on Ghat and just saw silently the river than Rahul went for somewhere and found a Dharamshala for our night the rent was 300 we ate some samosa and kachori for morning i woke up early and this stupid guy sleeping like Kumbh Karan after so many attempts. o woke him up than we went to ghat the beauty of morning is just ammazing people were dong yoga sadhus were doing there morning prayers yes the ghaat was not so musch clean but this is our fault means the peolple we threw this garbaage i dont want to start on this topic

we took many selfies made many videos thn we went back to our dhrmchala and ge ready for our next adventure actully we didnt plan anything and that was the best part of this trip now we were standing on the road side there were many auto going some wher these are the sharing auto so we took one and reached at ram juhla places to visit in Rishikesh we took a boat yeaahh again this was a sharing boat so here we sat near by some girls who were start filrting with us and you know i have rahul with me he just started filrting and forgot about the trip at last he saw a man coming to us that was girls big brother so somehow i manged to move rahul from that place

i dont know from where rahul had an idea he said why ot we rent a scooter so that we can move where we want to this was the best idea which stuck in his mind then we rent a scooter the rent wass 500rs but after burgning he fall down to 400 and the petrol is on us now the worlds hardest discusion happened who will drive the scooter i want to tell you rahul is very bossy and dominant with me so i played an emotional card.

I’m the small one so no one ever given chance to lead it worked for just few miles after that he sat on front seat than we traveled threw big mountains narrow roads where one side is a big mountain and one side a deep cliff oh my god thrilling experience we have only one helmet I am the scared one so I wear the hellbent and I’m the one who is not diving so wafter females as we reached Nirgirhi waterfall

we bought tickets waterfall is very crowded but still we found our space to enjoy.we climb up after climbing 3 kilometers we reached the starting point of the waterfall this water is untouched we click pics crack jocks on other people and resume our journey for next destination our next destination is Neelkanth place to visit in Rishikesh after reaching there the journey is more beautiful then the destination but yes it was very spiritual and mesmerising.I want to warn you on one thing beware of shopkeepers of Neelkanth I’m not saying they are fraud but yes they make you buy those things which you didn’t want to and you will buy with happiness and thank him.

When we reach there I saw a green kurta hanging in a shop I went there to take a close look but we met a very amazing person name Shashank Sehgal yes he I amazing in his art of selling things I just want to buy that kurta and Rahul was keep telling me don’t buy it we don’t have much money left but finally i bought it because i loved it the moment we were gonna left the shop he saw Rahul and said are you from Uttrakhand Rahul yes how do you know I’m also from Uttarakhand which you are from Rahul

from Pauri Garwhal Shashank er than we are neighbors bro let me show you an amazing thing he shows as a ring Shashank look, sir, this ring is the special thing of Neelkanth you never found this any where else this ring contains six elements which contril all the planets and this ring has the power to make you succeed in every field your dreams will come true with this ring .

The way of talking is just mesmerizing its like hypnotism. Look Rahul he just staring that guy with his extra open eyes. Rahul, we take it I was like hi wait what we I am not taking it, Rahul, just take it. But we don’t have much money left bro how you think we will go back to our places Rahul just take it now (age ka age dekhnge) we will see how we have left just 200 rs after coming back from Neelkanth temple we forgot everything we were just happy because it was a very long day and we still have a few hours left

We took our ranted sccoty and drive back to Rishikesh. We crossed Laxman Jhula place to visit in Rishikesh very crowded and moving the bridge. Yes the bridge it self-moving now sun goes down and very smooth and calm evening. Coming out then suddenly an idea came to my mind my maternal uncle lives in Dehradun. We have very less money so we went there next morning my uncle gave us 500 rs each. You see rimg is working here than we took ac bus and came back.This all places to visit in Rishikesh

This is our unexcepted unplaned journey share your unexcepted journey

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